6:01 AM
It seemed no one doubted the nutritional value contained in the milk. Milk is a source of protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals that need to be consumed to meet nutritional needs of the family. However, the milk becomes inadequate food consumption if not handled properly. Currently the market is the variety of dairy products, some are in the form of powder, condensed milk or fresh milk. However, sweetened condensed milk is not recommended for daily consumption because of high sugar content.
Fresh milk, according to Dr. Samuel Oetoro, SpGK from Semanggi Clinic, has advantages over sweetened condensed milk or powdered milk because processing is not excessive so that fewer nutrients wasted. "Fresh milk, both milk-pasteurized or UHT (ultrahigh temperature), both have advantages of high nutritional value. In addition, milk ready to drink milk flavor is more pronounced," he said. While milk powder, which is the processing of liquid milk is dried, according to Dr. Samuel, will lose some nutrients. "Indeed, in this day and age plus milk powder, nutrition wasted in processing will be added again but,. If you want to vote choice, naturally fresh milk," he said.
However, the milk powder has the advantage of durable and practical for portability. In the meantime, if you prefer fresh milk purchased directly from farmers, Dr Samuel reminded the importance of seeking a safe source of milk. "Although it is natural, but select farms that maintain the quality of its products Consider whether pet food containing a contaminant or not." He said.
Better nutrition of fresh milk
Fresh milk, according to Dr. Samuel Oetoro, SpGK from Semanggi Clinic, has advantages over sweetened condensed milk or powdered milk because processing is not excessive so that fewer nutrients wasted. "Fresh milk, both milk-pasteurized or UHT (ultrahigh temperature), both have advantages of high nutritional value. In addition, milk ready to drink milk flavor is more pronounced," he said. While milk powder, which is the processing of liquid milk is dried, according to Dr. Samuel, will lose some nutrients. "Indeed, in this day and age plus milk powder, nutrition wasted in processing will be added again but,. If you want to vote choice, naturally fresh milk," he said.
However, the milk powder has the advantage of durable and practical for portability. In the meantime, if you prefer fresh milk purchased directly from farmers, Dr Samuel reminded the importance of seeking a safe source of milk. "Although it is natural, but select farms that maintain the quality of its products Consider whether pet food containing a contaminant or not." He said.