12:50 PM

Doomsday Predictions not occur, Harold camping hide self

Newspaper in the United States reported Harold Camping is not seen since he was promoting these doomsday predictions turned out wrong. Contact telephone and e-mail to Harold Camping Family Radio is not answered. He predicted the apocalypse happens on Saturday (21 / 5) right at 18:00 in different time zones around the world. Washington Post newspaper reported telephone services to prevent suicide is opened to anticipate the possibility of people who believe in the prophecy was depressed after the doomsday predictions do not come true. A group of residents Calvary Gospel Church in Milpitas, California, held a Mass in the morning to comfort those who believe in the content of sermons Harold Camping.

''We are here because we care about these people,''wrote New York Times quoted James Bynum, which is one of the princes of the church. However, many reject the view of Christian Camping. Some even call it as''false prophet.'' Most of the atheists partying to celebrate not occur doomsday predictions. Meanwhile, a group of people who do not believe that gathered outside the headquarters of Harold Camping Family Radio International in Oakland, California, when the approximate time limit elapsed.

''This is probably a sad thing I have ever read, the news that there are children out there whose parents spend money funds college savings and sell their homes,''said a woman told the BBC. Camping says he knew without a doubt a piece of apocalypse that would arrive. He stated there is no backup rencangan. He had predicted doomsday in 1994. His followers later claimed prophecy refers only to intermediate stages.

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