3:29 PM
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, again a controversial comments on social networking-related services. Last year, he called privacy is no longer so important. This time, he proposed the elimination of age restrictions for the user up. That is, infants who are still allowed to make that red is on Facebook. As is known, the minimum age is 13 years pegguna ups. However, from a study that was released some time ago, there were 7.5 million Facebook users who are under 13 years, generally 11 years. But surely this can not be used as an excuse to open the taps for those who are under the age of 13. Children are certainly not able to protect themselves from a variety of matters relating to the world of adults who come to his Facebook page.
Mark Zuckerberg expressed his idea in a speech in California the opportunity a few days ago. According to him, he has a philosophy that education takes time to start very young. Because of restrictions that make the children under the age of 13 years have not been able to get started. By allowing them to use up, we can see what they would do. Mark also promised to make children safe on Facebook. Of course, there is a slow down of Mark Zuckerberg this reason. First, the issue of education. Certainly can not be considered that use up since the children regarded as educational. Why? Therefore, up is not the education space. Facebook is a media where information traffic through status updates, photos, videos, and even very high. Most of the information that flows up this is the consumption of adults, not children
Second, security concerns. This needs to be questioned, up user account security is very low. User privacy on Facebook is very low, almost non-existent because the privacy policy is very loose because of privacy provisions ups convoluted and very long. Some Facebook users will be very familiar with spam, scams, and other URLs that lead to adult content. It would be very dangerous if the children left to see all this. Still related to security issues, on Facebook is not a single guarantee which says that all users of Facebook will be applied to both. That is, once open the possibility of criminals, especially predators of children, to be able to find prey with the permissibility of the children to create an account on Facebook.
Third, the regulations prohibit the collection of information from children under the age of 13, the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), which was signed into law on October 21, 1998 and amended effective on April 21, 2000. This rule applies to commercial websites and online services directed to children under 13 years of collecting personal information from children. COPPA prohibits unfair or deceptive acts or practices in connection with the collection, use, or disclosure of personal information from and about children on the internet. With the three reasons above, it is quite clear that the idea of abolition of the age limit up users this is a pretty crazy idea from Mark Zuckerberg. Site zdnet.com mention this idea as the worst idea of the caliber of Mark Zuckerberg. Although could just try to improve security, this is not a guarantee and a reason to legalize the elimination of age restrictions on users.
In relation to children or teenagers over the age of 13 years even, parents are still encouraged to see the involvement of children in the above. This is because, once again, to help users to get connected with their online friends, but not necessarily all online users who are friends. To monitor the involvement of children on up, parents are advised to perform the following steps.
1. monitor your child's facebook account
Parents should be involved in the friendship of children. It is important to be able to find out what the child is on Facebook. If you can not, for example for high school teens, watch them from their friends. This is done by 18 percent of parents in surveys to users between the ages of 13-17. Parents should not try to create an account with a fake age children. If the child has made Facebok account without the knowledge, delete that account or ask for up to remove it by filling out the report "Report of Children under the age of" provided by Facebook.
2. advantage of privacy controls
About one in five active adult users said they did not use the privacy controls that are provided to. This makes them more vulnerable to threats. personal control in order not to prevent any violations, but they are quite helpful in some degree. Parents should regulate children's personal control of what can be seen by all users up. For example, photographs of those who can see and anyone who could send a message.
3. turn off instant personalization
Facebook has added a few sites for Instant Personalization feature, which automatically will find information about the characteristics of Facebook users. I highly recommend this feature will be turned off for up user profiles are not exploited by third parties for advertising and other purposes. For parents, it is important to observe the activities of children up to avoid the problems that arise in the future, such as the abduction of children and others. Up useful, but only within certain limits. Better to prevent than disaster.
Facebook will remove the age limit users
Mark Zuckerberg expressed his idea in a speech in California the opportunity a few days ago. According to him, he has a philosophy that education takes time to start very young. Because of restrictions that make the children under the age of 13 years have not been able to get started. By allowing them to use up, we can see what they would do. Mark also promised to make children safe on Facebook. Of course, there is a slow down of Mark Zuckerberg this reason. First, the issue of education. Certainly can not be considered that use up since the children regarded as educational. Why? Therefore, up is not the education space. Facebook is a media where information traffic through status updates, photos, videos, and even very high. Most of the information that flows up this is the consumption of adults, not children
Second, security concerns. This needs to be questioned, up user account security is very low. User privacy on Facebook is very low, almost non-existent because the privacy policy is very loose because of privacy provisions ups convoluted and very long. Some Facebook users will be very familiar with spam, scams, and other URLs that lead to adult content. It would be very dangerous if the children left to see all this. Still related to security issues, on Facebook is not a single guarantee which says that all users of Facebook will be applied to both. That is, once open the possibility of criminals, especially predators of children, to be able to find prey with the permissibility of the children to create an account on Facebook.
Third, the regulations prohibit the collection of information from children under the age of 13, the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), which was signed into law on October 21, 1998 and amended effective on April 21, 2000. This rule applies to commercial websites and online services directed to children under 13 years of collecting personal information from children. COPPA prohibits unfair or deceptive acts or practices in connection with the collection, use, or disclosure of personal information from and about children on the internet. With the three reasons above, it is quite clear that the idea of abolition of the age limit up users this is a pretty crazy idea from Mark Zuckerberg. Site zdnet.com mention this idea as the worst idea of the caliber of Mark Zuckerberg. Although could just try to improve security, this is not a guarantee and a reason to legalize the elimination of age restrictions on users.
In relation to children or teenagers over the age of 13 years even, parents are still encouraged to see the involvement of children in the above. This is because, once again, to help users to get connected with their online friends, but not necessarily all online users who are friends. To monitor the involvement of children on up, parents are advised to perform the following steps.
1. monitor your child's facebook account
Parents should be involved in the friendship of children. It is important to be able to find out what the child is on Facebook. If you can not, for example for high school teens, watch them from their friends. This is done by 18 percent of parents in surveys to users between the ages of 13-17. Parents should not try to create an account with a fake age children. If the child has made Facebok account without the knowledge, delete that account or ask for up to remove it by filling out the report "Report of Children under the age of" provided by Facebook.
2. advantage of privacy controls
About one in five active adult users said they did not use the privacy controls that are provided to. This makes them more vulnerable to threats. personal control in order not to prevent any violations, but they are quite helpful in some degree. Parents should regulate children's personal control of what can be seen by all users up. For example, photographs of those who can see and anyone who could send a message.
3. turn off instant personalization
Facebook has added a few sites for Instant Personalization feature, which automatically will find information about the characteristics of Facebook users. I highly recommend this feature will be turned off for up user profiles are not exploited by third parties for advertising and other purposes. For parents, it is important to observe the activities of children up to avoid the problems that arise in the future, such as the abduction of children and others. Up useful, but only within certain limits. Better to prevent than disaster.